RoboForm is far more than a form-filling and password-managing browser add-on; this inexpensive shareware is one of the most useful browser enhancements we've encountered. RoboForm saves and enters log-in data and passwords, as well as your address, contact data, or any form fields you're always entering the hard way in Web sites and Windows programs. It also manages bookmarks, downloads, notes, and much more. RoboForm costs just under $10 with a free 30-day trial.
Everywhere or Desktop: You can install RoboForm to save data only on your main PC, or you can create an online account that lets you use RoboForm with all your computers and devices. In either case, memorize your master password, which can't be recovered.
Extras: RoboForm's extensive list of extras includes a secure Password Generator, SafeNotes, Contacts, Fingerprints, Smart Cards, and many other features and tools.
Options: RoboForm boasts a huge range of options and settings. We could Manage Identities and Profiles, edit Contacts, and Import and Sync data from RoboForm's Windows tray menu or browser settings.
Too much? RoboForm does so much and has so many features and extras that some users might find it overwhelming.
Costs money: RoboForm is inexpensive and delivers excellent value, but it's not free. Much of what it does is also available in freeware; just not in one program.
Bottom line
We're impressed by RoboForm, and so are many others, to judge by the program's reception. It significantly enhances your browser's capabilities and minimizes routine actions. The more time you spend online or at your PC, the more RoboForm can do for you.
Read more: RoboForm - Free download and software reviews - CNET